Manual evisceration
After applying the neck skin slit manually, the vent is cut out, taking care not to cut the intestines.
This is accomplished using the vent cutting pistol connected to a compressed air unit. The opening cut is applied manually with a knife.
Evisceration can be done by hand or using a special implement, e.g. evisceration fork.
The intestines, gizzard, heart and liver are pulled out to be subjected to veterinary inspection and subsequently are removed and dropped in a evisceration trough.
The gizzard is cut open manually and the skin is peeled off by the semi-automatic gizzard skinner. The lungs which still remain in the carcase must be removed at this stage. This can be done by suction using the lung pistol and the neck can be removed with the pneumatic neck sheear.
- Vent cutting pistol (pneumatic)
- Opening knife
- Evisceration fork
- Lung pistol
- Inside washer
- Neck/hock scissors (pneumatic)
- Sharpening steel
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